Church Anniversary contributions will be received from January 2025 through August10, 2025. The asking is $200.00. please remember to circle your night on the envelope.
Capital Campaign contributions will be received from January 2025, through December 28, 2025. The asking is $500 a year ($42 monthly)
Ways to Give:
Mail checks to Canaan United Methodist Church, 171 Highway 61, Ridgeville, South Carolina 29472
Trustees of the month Morris Green. & Tommie Robinson
February 18, UMM meeting 6pm
February 19, Join us for prayer line 12 noon and 6pm, the noon day prayer will be led by Margert Dizzy and 6pm will be by Joshlyn Goodwin, the prayer line number is (425) 436-6318 and the password is 884250# also Bible Study at Sand Hill 10:45 am and 6:30 pm via zoom
February 19, Bible Study resumes. In person at 10:45 am and on Zoom at 6:30 pm